Bismillah Alhamdulillah
The trees are God's great alphabet, with them He writes in shining green across the world His thoughts serene. It is not surprising that we receive great sangfroid just from spending time observe nature.
In today's epistle I will share about what can we learn from a tree. What 'ibrah' or wisdom we can acquire. Whenever I watch nature or be a fragment of it I can't help but revise what Allah said in the Quran chapter Al Imran verses 190 to 191
I simplify the meaning as in the changes of day and night there are signs of the Almighty god for those who think (ulul albab) that is person who thinks about the creation of sky and earth and says "O Allah, all your creation you had created for a reason and for a purpose, glory be to Him; protect us from the hell fire"
From these verses we can deduce that all creation on Earth has its reason and meaning. Firstly what can we gain from a tree is about changes. There are some season where the tree will undergo transformation like in Autumn or in Summer whereas in Spring and Winter the trees meet totally dissimilar emergence. So as in life, changes are inevitable and we homosapiens should perceive the way trees adapting.
Secondly we should be like tree; stay grounded, keep growing and know when to let go. If you feel like you are losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year, and still stand tall and wait for better days to come.
Thirdly we can learn about character and reputation from a tree. We tend to focus on reputation that we neglect about development of character as a person. I quote what Abraham Lincoln said "character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we keep thinking of; but the tree is the real thing."
In addition, we can gain about love from mere observing the tree. Similar as tree, love grows according to its own accord, it puts down deep roots into our whole being. Homogeneous to the tree's roots that rooted deeper onto the earth and form foundation.
There are so much more to learn from nature. So I hope from reading this writing, the next time we pause for little air, we will put thoughts in our mind 'what can I learn today from mother nature to make me a better person?'.
By: Naturemujahid.
11th Zulkaedah 1441 H
3rd July 2020 (Friday)
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